A Study in Decay
"The machinery shall be swept and cleaned down every meal time"
Rules to be observed:
- The Grinders, Drawers, Slubbers and Rovers shall sweep at least eight times in the day as follows, in the Morning at 7 ½, 9½, 11 and 12; and in the Afternoon at 1½, 2½, 3½, 4½, and 5½ o’clock.
- Any Person coming too late shall be fined as follows : – for 5 minutes 2d, 10 minutes 4d. and 15 minutes 6d.
- For any Bobbins found on the floor 1d for each Bobbin.
- For any broken Bobbins, they shall be paid for according to their value, and if there is any difficulty in ascertaining the guilty party, the same shall be paid for by the whole using such Bobbins.
- Any person leaving their Work and found Talking with any of the other workpeople shall be fined 2d for each offence.
- For every Oath or insolent language, 3d for the first offence, and if repeated they shall be dismissed.
- The Machinery shall be swept and cleaned down every meal time.
- If two persons are known to be in one Necessary together they shall be fined 3d each; and if any Man or Boy go into the Women’s Necessary he shall be instantly dismissed.
- The Masters would recommend that all their workpeople Wash themselves every morning, but they shall Wash themselves at least twice every week, Monday Morning and Thursday morning; and any found not washed will be fined 3d for each offence.
- The Grinders, Drawers, Slubbers and Rovers shall sweep at least eight times in the day as follows, in the Morning at 7 ½, 9½, 11 and 12; and in the Afternoon at 1½, 2½, 3½, 4½, and 5½ o’clock; and to notice the Board hung up, when the black side is turned that is the time to sweep, and only quarter of an hour will be allowed for sweeping. The Spinners shall sweep as follows, in the Morning at 7 ½, 10 and 12; in the Afternoon at 3 and 5½ o’clock. Any neglecting to sweep at the time will be fined 2d for each offence.
Transcription of some “Rules To Be Observed”, Water-Foot Mill, near Haslingden, 1851.